Here are two work-arounds that might be helpful if you have a large page count:
Method one- Export a PDF of your InDesign document.
Download and install this free script for importing multipage PDFs:
Create a new, single facing page InDesign document at the desired final size (+.5" of your original size). Run the multipageimporter.jsx script- Window> Utilities> Scripts>Run, and position on page aligned to: center, crop to bleed. Export to a new PDF.
Method two- On your original document, assuming it is set up as facing pages, set the inside bleed to .5" and export to a single page PDF using the document bleed settings. You can use an Acrobat preflight fixup to change the trim box size (AKA page size) to the bleed box size (the desired final page size). In Acrobat, go to- Tools> Print Production> Preflight> Fixups> Pages> Set trim box to crop box (edited).
Note, you can't edit an existing Acrobat preflight, so you will first need to make a duplicate of it. On the duplicate preflight, change the set page geometry settings to match the attached screen shot.
Note #2, if the original document has outside bleed, the final page size will increase by the bleed amount, which could be fixed by an additional preflight, but at this point, the first method might be the easier option.
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